About Us - Qingdao Hyrubbers Co, SL

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Our Team

QINGDAO HYRUBBERS CO., LTD obeys to the ISO 9001:2008 management systems. Different departments (Such as top management, export dept., production dept., purchase dept., QC dept., logistic dept., administration dept., warehouse dept., etc.) work together tightly to make sure the high quality rubber hoses are delivered to the customers in time. 

Our Mission

To provide super high quality rubber hose to the customers.

Our Vision

To lead in every market by reaching our objectives.
Providing excellent quality rubber hose and customer services.
Strong team cooperation which helps employees reach the full potential.

Our Value

Doing business with honesty and integrity.
Using transparency to build a better enterprise.

QINGDAO HYRUBBERS CO., LTD is the professional manufacturer and exporter of various kinds of hydraulic hose, industrial hose, hose fitting, hose assembly in China.
9001 betetzea: 2008 estandarra, OEM zerbitzua munduko marka ezagun eta entzute handiko China komertzial enpresentzat ere eskaintzen dugu. Gure gomazko mangera oso etxeko meatze-industria, industria petrokimikoa, ikatz industria eta bidezko makina industria saltzen. Gomazko mangera% 70 dira nazioarteko merkatuetan, Europa, Ipar Amerika, Hego Amerika, Afrika, Ekialde herrialdeetan, Hego-ekialdeko Asia eta abar barne esportatu
erosketa esperientzia onena eskaintzen saiatzen gara. Arin erantzunez, kalitate, puntuala entrega, prezio ona, eta lanbide saldu osteko zerbitzuak. Espero dugu zure lankidetza.