PVC ቱቦ

ጤና ይስጥልኝ ምርቶቻችንን ለማማከር ይምጡ!
  • PVC ቃጫ ጥንካሬ ለስላሳ ቱቦ

    PVC ቃጫ ጥንካሬ ለስላሳ ቱቦ

    የ PVC Clear Fiber Reinforced Hose በተጨማሪም የ PVC ፋይበር ቱቦ, ግልጽ የተጠለፈ ቱቦ, የ PVC የተጠለፈ ቱቦ, የፋይበር ቱቦ, የ PVC ፋይበር የተጠናከረ ቱቦ ወዘተ በየትኛውም የኢንዱስትሪ መተግበሪያ ውስጥ ለማስተላለፍ የተነደፈ ተስማሚ ቱቦ ነው. መተግበሪያ: እንደ አየር, ውሃ, ኦክሲጅን, ነዳጅ, ጋዝ, ሲሚንቶ እና ቤንዚን ወደ ኬሚካሎች, ተክል መሣሪያዎች, የማዕድን ኢንዱስትሪ, የንፅህና መስመሮች, የቢሊጅ ማስወገጃ መስመሮች እና ሌሎች በርካታ ኢንዱስትሪዎች እንደ የተለያዩ ፈሳሽ እና ዱቄት, ከፍተኛ ግፊት ማስተላለፍ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል. መተግበሪያዎች. ባህሪያት፡ ሂድ...
  • PVC spiral ስቲል ሽቦ ተጠናክሮ ቱቦ

    PVC spiral ስቲል ሽቦ ተጠናክሮ ቱቦ

    PVC Steel Wire Reinforced Hose is also called PVC spring wire hose, PVCpump suction hose, PVC flexible suction hose, PVC water hose pipe, PVC water delivery hose, clear wire reinforced hose, spring water hose, spring suction hose etc. Which is ideally PVC hose designed for water suction or delivery in agricultural applications. Application: This Pump Suction Hose is widely used for suction and delivery of water or oil in agricultural irrigation applications, like farm irrigation, irrigation p...
  • PVC ልዩ HIGH ጥንካሬ LAYFLAT ቱቦ

    PVC ልዩ HIGH ጥንካሬ LAYFLAT ቱቦ

    Standard duty PVC L hose is also called layflat water hose, pool and spa backwash hose, pump water hose; dewatering hose etc. Which is designed for low pressure liquid delivery. Application: This layflat water hose is mainly used in low pressure liquid delivery. Delivery of general liquids, including clean water, trash water, mild chemicals, industry waste water etc, an ideal layflat hose for construction dewatering, road building, industrial backwash, water pump industries and so on. Feature...
  • PVC Helix መምጠጥ ቱቦ

    PVC Helix መምጠጥ ቱቦ

    PVC Suction Hose is also called helix reinforced suction hose, corrugated suction hose, clear water suction hose, pool suction hose and pump suction hose etc. Which is high quality PVC suction hose designed for a wide variety of suction or transfer applications. Application: Widely used throughout industry in both positive and negative pressure applications, ideally for conveying and suction of water, oil, powder, granules in pump industries, constructions, mining industries, chemical factori...